
Monday, February 28, 2011

Mini-expo Reflection

Today, 1st March 2011, I did a mini-expo about cyclones. A lot of people went to our stall. But some people came when we were closing. The captain, Rayhan said that we had too much candy (which is our prize). So when it was our closing time, we had to present our mini-expo. We also gave one big piece of candy and another small piece of candy to each customer. A lot of people only wanted to get some prizes but some people also wanted to learn, especially the teachers and parents. This is the percentage on how many people want to learn or get prizes:

Want Prizes: 60%
Want Information: 40%

As I go around I saw a lot of people using dried ice in their projects although dried ice is really dangerous.

The next time I do mini expo, I want to add more colors to my display to attract people, gain confidence, learn from the best and maybe use a new software. I felt happy an exhausted because I like to show off information that I know and exhausted because I needed to move a lot! 

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