
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Prosedur ~ Le Banana Dessert

Kelompokku membuat Le Banana Dessert. Bahan utama Le Banana Dessert adalah pisang. Le Banana Dessert mengandung potasium, cocoa, protein dan kalori. Kelompokku ku membuat Le Banana Dessert dengan sedikit sirup coklat Hersheys dan kita juga menaburkan sedikit gula.

Untuk membuat Le Banana Dessert kita perlu :
~Pisang (1 – 10)
~1 kaleng sirup coklat Hersheys (kalau tidak puna bisa pakai susu kental manis yang lain atau sirup coklat)
~Tusuk sate

Pisang mengandung potasium dan protein. Sirup coklat Hersheys mengandung cocoa dan kalori.

Cara membuat:
I. Pertama, siapkan tempatnya.
II. Kedua, tuang sirup coklatnya ke dalam mangkuk.
III. Potong salah satu ujung dari pisang.
IV. Tusuk tusuk satenya ke ujung yang terpotong dari pisang.
V. Celupkan pisang ke dalam mangkuk dengan sirup coklat.
VI. Letakan pisang di atas mangkuk bersih.
VII. Taburkan 2 sendok teh gula di atas pisang.

Kelompokku berhasil semuanya dan makanan kita laku. Kelompokku – Rifa, Tasya, Ajie, Emily, Lily, Musa, Najwa, Daniel dan aku – juga membuat Fruit Smoothie dan Sate Buah.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is found in corn, nuts, olives, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil, and wheat germ. Vitamin E is used lotion and conditioner. Vitamin E protects your lungs from polluted air.

Vitamin D

This is what will happen if you don't have vitamin D:
~Your teeth will be easy to brake.
~Your muscles may experience convulsion.
~Your bones won't grow normally.

Here are examples of vitamin D:

Vitamin C

Food or drinks containing vitamin C are always sour. Food & drinks with vitamin C:


You may use vitamin C if your lips are dry or if you cut your skin.

Vitamin B

There are a lot of types of vitamin B which are vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and much more. They help to make red blood cells. Vitamin B supports our nervous system. It also helps with your digestion.

List of Vitamin Bs:
~B1 : thiamine
~B2 : riboflavin
~B3 : niacin or niacinamide
~B5 : panthothenic acid
~B6 : pyridoxine, pyridoxal, or pyridoxamine or pyridoxine hydrocloride
~B7 : biotin
~B9 : folic acid
~B12 : cobalamins, cyanocobalamin

Bread, eggs and milk contain vitamin B.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed by the retina of your eye. Carrots are one of the examples of forms of vitamin A. Vitamin A holds a big role of forming the eye. Vitamin A also helps your brain to recognize colors and help us grow.Carrots and spinach contain vitamin A.